
I imagine you’ll be able to add Pennsylvania to that list very soon. Truly, it is the Florida of the north.

I needed that chuckle.

Last night I dreamt of waking up in a wasteland. I hope it was not prophetic.

This sort of fantasy is the last thing we need now. A peaceful transfer of power is what we should all hope for and dream of.

A mouth that opens to hell. A pretty common motif in western artwork through the ages.

The only thing vile enough to compare Trump to is his own asshole.

A small hurdle overcome by resetting. Something I tend to do anyway for the sake of breeding.

Let’s not forget that rape allegations that are moving forward today:

Science, like the DNA identification that confirmed the real attacker’s confession, does not sit well with Donald.

It makes sense to me. Trump supports have attacked Clinton as too unfit and infirm for the role of presidency, while Trump has boasted that he would be the healthiest president ever elected. Surely, such as super man could never be felled by the common cold. Such a thing would be an admission that he was a normal

Transformers is a really terrible example. The animation of the 80's series is rife with errors, which kind of highlights the crux of the argument: people mistake style for technique.

The c-stick felt much better than the gyroscopic controls in the demo. There are a few games, like the Monster Hunter series, where I can’t recommend the N3DS enough. From a ten minutes with each control scheme, this seems like one too.

You’ve got to be able to go both ways or you’ll end up endlessly climbing higher. If, in the attempt to bring everything up near vaporeon’s level, you accidentally raise something too high, you would have to raise everything again. It’s power creep+.

Adjusting the values on a working feature would literally require less than a few minutes vs. resolving the issue of a feature that overloads their servers. There’s a magnitude of difference.

I disagree with you about Pokemon, but you’re 100% right about his lack of tact. Mocking a defeated opponent is unsportmanlike; mocking an injured opponent is even more so. When there’s a chance of permanent injury or even death, one should treat the sport with more gravity than a game directed at kids.

You’ll probably be ok. I went there last year around the Delta Aquarids and there was a pretty diverse crowd, not just racially but nationally as well. Coming from the west, I spent most of my drive on stretches of hi-way but I can understand your concern passing through some small towns.

I was wondering about this today. To me, it would be an interesting trade off if places with fewer points of interest had more rare pokemon. That probably wouldn’t sit well with most though, especially without the option to trade.

Precisely my thoughts. It’s not implausible for such a person to exist, but it’s implausible for them to seek guidance from Dr. Nerdlove.

Well, the game was pretty good. It had some top-tier sprite work and a really fun soundtrack.

Maybe I am misremembering but I always felt the original campaign was better. The story seemed more cohesive and the characters more interesting, while HotU was a showcase of “cool” epic level content with flat personalities.