
Yeah, it's got an automated retractable system which I'm guessing is for bad weather.

Damn you, Jalopnik. Now you have me digging through CL to see what kind of local deals there are.

God. Bless. Texas.

John Carter was an estimated $300M to make, not including advertising budget which was big on this flick. As of this past weekend, it's only made $66.4M domestically and $188M internationally so it's still ~$45M short of making back its production budget. It'll likely break even when all the dust settles but I think

Pure. Genius.

But you forget the time spent on spreading this find via work email, text messages, and FB posts.

You could always go a step down and just get them a first generation US Impreza.

Agreed. It's slightly creepy that you don't see a face of body for all the bewbs. Chive on!

Use their hoverboards on water?

3G is too slow for home internet unless you forgo video streaming. True 4G would be fast enough (even some FauxG is fast enough) but most do not offer unlimited so you'll quickly run into data cap issues.

I agree. It's such a waste of a historical building. The city has made a mess of this along with the grounds where Astroworld used to be.

Yes, it was initially used to house the evacuees until they figured out more long term solutions. But that use was a real emergency and the only viable option for so many people. Before that, it hadn't been used for any type of event in years. Sad thing is it still costs $2-3M a year to maintain it. They're still

I almost spent money on buying a Roku just so I could stream Amazon Prime. Procrastinating paid off this time.

My toothbrush's handle is too wide to fit in the holes on the holder.

I've had performance issues prior to the point "where memory is short" and found over 40 apps stacked in the multitask queue. If I took the approach of just letting the OS do everything for me, I would still be using the basic weather, mail, and notes apps which aren't the best solutions out there.

They are holding onto some memory which is why they stay in suspended state until you come back. It's easy to forget about this over time and have 20+ apps sitting in there.

It doesn't hurt to go through the background running apps and close them out too.

If you want a true e-reader for mainly reading books, I would go with the regular Kindle with e-ink. I have a Fire and like it but the reflective screen and weight limit how much I use it to read.

It's going to be a very long time before they swith the US site to look like the UK one. The UK version is too clean and logical, not to mention the lack of ads that can take up as much space as the actual story.

Giz, you owe me 2:52 of my life back.