
That's assuming you know where they're coming from. I'm on the second floor of an apartment style condo and I couldn't tell you how ats are getting into my place to save my life so I have to treat the result since I can't find the source.

As usual, The Oatmeal does a great job going into detail about #2.

It's the fact he didn't call the police and was ignorant enough to then go over and keep telling the guy to get up even though he's clearly in need of modical assistance. He should have never moved that guy and called 911.

What about windows? I picked up one of Sony's Playstation Display monitors for cheap and it has a mirror like glare when it's office or you're playing a dimly lit game and the glare from the window makes it nearly impossible to see the screen.

Crap, read too fast and thought this was another Surface article. Carry on!

I would just like to see a higher resolution screen. It can't even display 1080p video?!? I would also hope they would be able to get either as dense a ppi or better than the iPad's retina display.

Maybe DK is upgrading his ride?

But in every filmed scene (commercials/tv/movies/etc) where someone eats food they don't actually eat it, they spit it out. Seasoned actors like to watch the rookies eat the food every take and then they get sick by the end. Also, you usually grow to hate the food just because of the repeat tasting for hours.

No seperate battery, no need to connect with bluetooth, includes a trackpad, acutally connected to device so you don't have to worry about a bump causing the tablet to fall out, thinner, and doesn't cost an extra $50.

What, no 5.25" love? There's nothing like having a lever to close a drive.

I'm curious how this compares to the Tamron lens that's splattered all over this site. I'll have to admit, I did buy the Tamron lens when it first came out so I'm just wondering if I got the better deal.

But what about the rest of the lines?!?

They finally let Google Voice through but it's missing some features. They haven't let Google's cloud music player, Gmail, or Chrome thourgh for the same redundant excuse yet there's a Kindle App and now an Amazon Cloud Music player app.

This is a good first step. Now they need to come out with an iOS app to let you stream videos with your Prime Account!

Because Apple hasn't blocked/continues to block other Google apps? They'll likely let it through but Apple has a clear history of blocking competitors just because they want to even though the submitted app follows all of their rules.

I'm pretty sure they're blacklisted for life. Makes you wonder if that iPhone4 exclusive was really worth it.

People have to learn that a whole pump is usually not needed for either toothpaste or soap. If you're using a full pump of soap, you're either using too much or have a shorter pump than standard. A simple fix is to either learn to use a half-pump or wrap a rubber band around the stem as a bump stop. That tip was

Not much at all except the screen sharing (if you have a compatible device).

If you were walking into a dealership with those suitcases, you would be carrying much, much more than $19k.