
@ndspanky13: Actually, Pandora is a music app. No video involved, unless you watch the random commercials or stare at the album covers.

@BossRGR: As stated, streaming apps. I use Pandora all day on my iPhone because it's blocked at work. I also use it while driving long distances. My monthly average is ~2.5-3GB per month.

@Arken: That's exactly why I keep my old NES console around. The games are cold blooded hard, but they're fun.

@JDV28: There is a good sized version of the sunrise pic on Nasa's site.

@SheerHippo: I want it in my line of site to keep an eye on it, not to use it as an additional screen. I just don't like the idea of having my phone behind my screen while I'm on a laptop. If I'm watching a movie with headphones on, I may not be mindful enough to see someone coming up to grab my phone from the back.

@theimmc: and that's what I get for commenting before coffee. I'll have to read slower next time.

@aThingOrTwo: Yes, I would like to see the evolution get to a point where your laptop or tablet is just an extension of the phone to provide a larger screen, additional battery capacity, and keyboard. They need a better way of attaching the phone though becuase I would prefer to keep it in my line of sight.

@bassvibe: Yeah, I'd have to agree. That's a hardcore geek critiquing. There are bigger, more obvious loose ends in the sequel so have fun picking it apart.

This reminds me of the Wheelmate so it should be sucessful. Just look at all of the positive reviews and pictures shared.

@theimmc: Well, they cost more but last 20x longer. So for theTopaz to be more expensive, the CFL it's replacing would have to be cheaper than $2.06.

@timgray: the XBMC remote is a nice, cheap way for someone to add a remote to their setup if the budget is tight. Also, I usually have my phone on me but I keep my XBMC remote put up since I don't use it as much at my cable box remote. It's nice having options.

Not to bite the hand that feeds me, but every time there's a subject remotely related to HTPC's, a link to the $200 XBMC setup is given ([] My qualm is that the article is outdated. Acer no longer makes their $200 AR1600 and there really aren't any comparably priced nettops with HDMI.

Apparently some stores are offering Black Friday deals online.

I tried signing up to opt-out of the yellow pages but they still showed up at my door. I live in an apartment style condo and I can see yp's still sitting at people's doors weeks later. I'm going to walk around and collect them to be recycled.

Man, and I just wiped the OS off my Acer to install XBMC Live. How is it that Boxee can figure out how to cleanly and easily include Hulu, Netflix, and now Vudu into their media center that's based off of XBMC yet it's not available in the latter?

@maximum_sarge: if you look up previous runs this guy has done, you'll see he's not stranger to spinning the car after a high speed run. It really comes down to driver error. He doesn't know how to control the car and he was lucky in the past. He kept pushing fate and it bit him. I don't think the chute was any

The graphics reminds of a Zelda: A Link to the Past.

damn, it's gone. Has anyone figured out how to take extract an app file from iTunes and share it or add it to another device? I'd kill to have the flashlight app referenced in the article.

@Zinger314: Sadly, I have data issues when I have full bars and 3G with my phone sitting on my desk. Seems like it chooses when it feels like sending/receiving data.