Mr0011011 .

I liked this episode, but at the end I felt it wasn't complete. I don't feel like any of the storylines game to a conclusion. I think they need to stop trying to do 3 storylines. They should have had the Penny/Leonard/Psychiatrist one, which was the funniest, and merged everyone else into one story. Put them all in

This is exactly it. It's nothing revolutionary, but it is entertaining and a decent watch. It's good to just relax and watch aimlessly.

It is set in NY. A diverse place.

You'd be surprised how many 12 year olds have moustaches.

I throughly enjoyed this episode, but of course that mean the AV Club doesn't. You really think the episode before this was better? Jeez. I mean really, this is the second worst episode this season? REALLY?!

I don't see that many awesome stuff in Flash to justify it though. It's all a bit too easy there. Neither of them is Agents of Shield, which I think does it all better.

How can people criticise Supergirl for being cheesy, but hype Flash like it isn't EXACTLY the same?!

Are we still in a world where women are scrutinised more in the workplace? Yeah. And that was Ca talking about her time at the Daily Planet, which can only be assumed to be some time ago.

Fantastic episode! Mellie's scenes were great and she proved herself I think. The Liv/Fitz fight was brilliant. It was intense and it was a great bit of drama.

… or it was Christmas time…

I think if we have learnt one thing from Scandal, it is that things concerning B613 are NEVER over.

There is always one.

But she need and wants to be recognised in her own right, not constantly saved by her cousin.

I am liking where this is going. They have dove straight into it and I thought an episode dealing with why Superman won't be around all too often is a good choice to make. I like how they are slowly building up Supergirls rage, which I hope is inertial and not something I am just picking up. If there is something I

What tone? Condescending?

Hater is a real word. You do know that right? And I mean, who are you to be on your high horse? You are complaining about a fictional, cartoon 8 year old who you would rather not stand by her morals because you think she is being "self righteous". She was being bullied.

I liked this episode but as per usual, people will complain about the most ridiculous things. And I can't believe that people are criticising Lisa for having morals and not wanting to be a spoilt rich girls stepping stone.

So you don't like Lisa because she has morals?

Even though she was 100% right in this episode? Lisa's great. Hater.

And Fitz kind of deserves impeachment at this point.