Mr0011011 .

She wouldn't just start it and stop when she wants. There is a whole process. Once it starts, it would be hard to stop even if she pulls out.

Fantastic episode and brilliant, and accurate, social commentary. Can't wait for Mellie to start this impeachment and I am loving Marcus. They have needed a public figure person there for a long long time. Ever since Harrison died and Abby left, OPA has become way too murder/turtore/ criminal centric and less

That was a very accurate reorientation though. Those characters are no exaggerated and those things would be said. It's sad but true. Everything Mellie and Marcus said about the press on Liv was spot on

Spider pig didn't spin webs. It makes it look like that, but when you see it, he actually took the webs from above the barn. It's funny though, you don't seem to have a problem with Maggie recruiting animals and saving a possum, or the fact that Spider-Pig has hair…

There are no other big name Asian actors because people refuse to give them a chance. Do you think there is no Asian actor out there who would be as good, if not better, than Tilda Swinton? Change a white superhero and everyone loses their shit, change an Asian character and it's OK because she would be good? And to

There is a problem right there. To you, it is a binary. You are either white or you are not. So very few characters are Asian, so it's kind of a kick in the face and gut to change an Asian character from the source material to a white woman.

There is an interesting lack of reaction to this. But I guess people only care when it's superheroes?

Is that sarcasm? Please be sarcasm.

Well that would be arrogant and naive, because it is pretty clear that the likes of Hulk and Iron Man are going to stick around now.

You are the one who the clearly the most "butt hurt". You do realise that "transcendent" means to surpass the ordinary, but both Batman and Superman (and Spiderman for that matter) ARE the ordinary. And in terms of quality of the films, he has no point.

Who and what show? Movie trumps a TV show that will get a few million viewers.

No one talks about Man of Steel unless it is the subject of an article or to prove a point that is was a bad attempt of a film. I could easily say people only talk about MOS in relation to Marvel, which would be more truthful than your statement.

He is an interesting character though, unlike doing the same 2 heroes again and again and again. I would watch Ant Man over Man of Steel any day.

I disagree. They are not "transcendent of superhero movies" They couldn't be rooted more in the superhero genre if they tried. In fact, I am sure Zack Snyder probably tried with Man of Steel, didn't really work.

Ironman, Captain America, Thor and Hulk have all become known worldwide now though. If you asked people to list superheroes, they would be there too.

"Brett Rattner, you're a genius!" too far.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was not the first, or last, film with that fighting style you know? And it is obvious he is narrating as an adult.

Hopefully they don't stray. Hopefully they go for the all Asian cast.

Of course it was a Glee episode, but the little mirroring of the music video was no sexual. The character is certainly flamboyant, but the performance was not sexual.

Are you one of those who think that Sia's videos are sexual?