Mr0011011 .

This was the best episode fo the season, and a great episode overall. The rating this has been given is far too low, it seems you just won't be pleased by this season regardless of what it does.

He has muscles, as I also said. He hasn;t got much else going for him, espcially when you compare him to the rest of the cast, even just the new ones.

She has brought the club together and she doen as much as Will did. People are exagerating the Sam thing, they haven't really done much of anything together. Yeah, it's about her - she is the main character! You haven't seen her earn it? We saw her go off for the audition, but the seaosn isn't finsihed yet amd they

"Rachel getting everything without even trying." She is coaching a glee club in Ohio for no money… And Spencer is a worse actor, and singer … and we are suppose to believe he is a better dancer but he is like a stick.

Not on original cast though. I mean, the show got popular without him and he isn't one that a random person off the street would be abe to give even a label to (like the wheelchair kid)

To me it is obvious that Spencer was hired for his looks and msucles alone. He is the weakest actor, the weakest singer and is can't really move all that well. He stood out worse than Roderick, who relys on a great voice, during Uptown Funk. And he looks REALLY old for the role. I know they all look older than 16, and

Good TV isn't about how hard it can get you a boner. This is a realistic and amazingly talented cast. In actuality, they scrub up pretty well.


Nominated and snubbed 5 times.

So… is he good enough or not? He has passion, which is great and that board is kind of one minded. He would present more insights. After this episode, I think he will come back. he loves the thrill too much, The only reason he left was for the money. Now he has that as well as the thrills of his old job. Bailey

Lexi was AWESOME! I agree about Murphy. Definitely redeemed herself.

Glad that nothing really bad happened. How much bad luck can one hospital have?! I'm totally on Meredith's side. It's always been about Derek's career first. He can go back and forth. He doesn't NEED to be there, he wants to. I don't know who I support in Bailey vs Alex. They both deserve something! Still waiting for

Ellis left and went to Boston, so there is that.

The closure was all his fault. Spends thousands on sets for songs like Roar just for his own pedo ways.

I know right?! The show is very quick to jump against bad things being said to a character being gay, but as soon as it is to either Tina or Mike (or both) it is OK.

They made a BIG mistake not sending Tina to New York. She is one of the few comedic characters left, and she has a STELLAR voice. But, alas, they have a fascination with Blaine and Sam - two of the most bland, overrated and cringe worthy actors on the show, with no chemistry together. Yet, they continue to shove them

Chums was a childrens TV show parody way back when in the UK. Just saying.

Mercedes was FANTASTIC.

They have all had Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Summer vacation time and time again without any sign of aging. It is a animated show.

The best bit of the episode was Homer when he said "That's cold Luann! So cold!! Brrrr, sarcastic brrr!"