Mr0011011 .

and hiring people.

This show deserves so much better than FOX.

They are drawing it out a season after this… so 2015! They should have ended in S3, and gone a relative high. Or stopped with the madness and went back to something good.

Season 3 wasn't all bad at all. There were some AMAZING episodes, but sadly there was some terrible ones. It's no coincidence that the more they focused on Blaine, the worse it got.

People tend to exaggerate. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, but he didn't seem to struggle to graduate.

He was always popular. Even in S3 when he wasn't Quarterback anymore, he was still a strong presence in the school. Everyone knew who he was. The Lima Loser thing came from him. He felt bad about himself whilst his friends were having big ambitions. It was never stated that he barely graduated. That was Puck's

I just want to take a moment to say how AMAZING Tina sounded at Nationals! She outdid Blaine in their duet. I'm glad they gave her a chance to shine and show off her voice.

I'm sure they heard about him.

The only time I thought of her name was when she met the naked man. Otherwise, it works.

Well it depends on where you live. Here in the UK, an adult ticket is £8.35 - a VIP ticket IS £10.30.

This episode was low brow even for Family Guy, not to mention generally sexist. And not even in a clever, satirical way. Just out rightly so. It would be good to see Family Guy give Louis a job that sticks, and hence something to do. I kind of only stick to Family Guy now just for Stewie and Brian moments.

The movie industry is hardly being killed economically. 17 films have passed the $1 billion mark, and ticket prices are going to cross into the double digits soon.

This was a genuine brilliant episode!