
Well this just goes to show you that, no matter how well you argument you stance, that -fanboy, FANBOY, fanboy... FanBoy! FANboiy?! FANBoY.

Actually it is pretty smart.

Thanks for you answer Joe, really appreciate it. It is nice to hear that you are working on the problem. I don't engage in discussions often, but I do read comments, and stuff like this sometime gets me, it was not my intention to insult you or any part of community.

It would be really nice if you could answer why you (gawker media), let a writer insults its readers.

I can see now that I've made a few grammar errors, I apologize as I was in a hurry and English is not my first language.

"This is an assumption that the flood was produced purely by rain. " So... Form where did all that water come form? There isn't enough water on earth to cover it! So unless Earth was that dramatically different, which is impossible btw, it is not possible to cover Earth in water form all the water on that is on Earth.

It is fascinating how many people are concerned about type of wood, or if there were steel used, or about technology of that time, completely ignoring the facet THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PUT ALL OF THE ANIMALS ON SHIP OF THAT SIZE. Or any every build for that matter.

And could shrink! Remember all those animals? Yeah.

Nice. That is the only thing that is missing in this story. According to story Noah put 2 of all animal species. Do you think that is possible even if Noah used steel? See I don't think it is. Or maybe they just had a shrinking technology because, lets face it, they where pretty advance.

It revolution people! They re-invented Skype!

Well maybe we should keep all the prisoners for a day then. Day out of freedom does not sound like a punishment to me, but I am sure that they would approve. Somehow one day and a year or more seem to be just as wrong, so why not.

I was under impression that no one was being tortured here. And no I do not. Actually I plainly explained it in last comment. However strange it might seem to you there is a difference between a day and a lifetime.

There is a difference between a day and lifetime (even if it is one of the chicken). If this is hard for you to understand try imagining spending a day in a room. Now imagine you spend a 1 year. Is there a difference?

Is it a live stream video? Because I am pretty sure they have released them by now.

I am VERY glad that you showed this article to me. What you have here is closed system. Let me explain. " it would take the land area of New Jersey for chicken "playgrounds" if we put all our birds outdoors" and "Feedlot cattle, eating grain from high-yield fields, produce less methane in their guts than cattle

How did they do that? Are chickens still in cages?

In that case they should have put animals in cage for 2 of their lifetimes and less than zero sunlight (because, you know, animals in industries are put in cages until they die, and this ones were released).

Well then it is a good thing they did not put the installation in place that full of poverty or force them (or anyone) to give up food in the name of morality. This is for people (like you probably) that can afford better food (and for the good of the chicken).

For all of you that trash this action so that could feel better for being trash: this is not for people that don't have the money to buy free range products. It in German, in a city not in Africa (not that there aren't poor people there too, but I don't think that they have a moral doubt about eggs they are eating)!