
What do you use to record footage? I have a Hauppauge Gaming PVR but all of my gameplay comes out horribly blurry when transferred to YouTube.

My GOTY for 2011. I wish I could play it again, for the first time.


You missed the point completely.

I played for years and I disagree. It's not a "pussy sport", but it's nowhere near the violence I experienced in hockey.

Speaking of Alan Wake, I'm pissed someone named a robot Mr.Wake. Now it takes up the first page of Google..

I didn't say I couldn't write it better, haha.

I'm not sure that they have a chance. The last "true titles" in the series were download only titles and the spinoff series have only been on portable platforms. They haven't really had a chance in this modern era.

I'm looking forward to the sequel as I slog through the first.

You missed out, here is your chance..

Why are you so upset it's not open world? Are you the same guy lamenting Halo being released as an FPS opposed to an RTS?

I couldn't disagree more.

Boxed copy announced for Sweden. No news outside of that.

I couldn't have said it better.

That's a great price for a fantastic game. I'll gladly repurchase this game.

All of the things my moneys going to this month and next are holding me back from a purchase. The demo is tempting.. I'm confident that it'll be 34.99 by the middle of March.

Hahaha, looking good.

We don't pray..We prey.

If that's the case gamers are deluded.

We burn our wallets as we stare into their empty heartless eyes.