Well said.
Well said.
They have to kill Activision to get it's power.
He's missing Shooting Star EXE.
I'll still read it...
I'm really excited for this film!
Sony does it just as often.
A little on topic with the mention of the MMO~Everybody needs to read, Ready Player One.
Thanks, I'm not sure why I'm going through it, but I'm sure it'll pass soon. I'll check out Revenge, any idea if it's on Netflix? I've never heard about Mistborn but I'll download a sample on my Kindle.
I'm not that big of a fan but, I'm not against it. The only Anime I ever watched was Dragon Ball as a kid and after that Full Metal Alchemist.
I've been really depressed these last few days and I'm not quite sure why. I guess I really miss having a significant other but, I'm not sure that's what's throwing me down this well of self pity. I need something to lose myself in, a good book or TV series. Anything I can use to get my mind of my life for a few days.
Where you seeing them at?
I do as well because of this..
Nope, they don't.
They do!? I'll go check, thanks!
No shipping to Canada? Bye-bye, Kingdoms of Amalur.
Interesting... I wonder...
Imagine if you will...
I'm looking forward to the game but, that trailer turned me off.
Such a fantastic soundtrack. Especially love "Is your Love Strong Enough?".