Harman Smith

I mean, it was done in Max Payne 1 and 2, and better in both of those...

Spider-Man and Miles Morales on PS5 made good use of RT in both their 30FPS and 60FPS+RT modes. Other than that I agree it’s largely been either a mild upgrade (GTA and Cyberpunk’s shadows spring to mind) or a compromise (Control with the RT but at 30FPS).

I have high hopes for Shredders Revenge. Fingers crossed

My biggest problem is the scale of it. Giant 50-100ft tall robots look like they are regular person sized because of the level designs. Give me city buildings, regular people, trees, etc that give me a sense of scale! It just looks like any generic sci-fi shooter and just happens to have Gundams as is.

That’s kinda been the Gundam MO for a long time now, I’d say. Like depending on the series/director, gundams range from massive slow robots to super agile gods of destruction.

Remember, kids: the last time we got to the 6th installment of a Capcom franchise, we got a woman sucking-off a giraffe.

*spends 15 seconds navigating to Cyberpunk 2077 in my library and clicking an install button* 

I’m still waiting on the Switch N64 controller to restock. I’m not going to upgrade my account until I can play these games the right way. I didn’t buy the NES or the SNES ones cuz it’s not such a big deal. Playing N64 games on a different controller never feels quite right.

I’d like to hear a non-crackpot or buzzword filled argument in favor of NFTs, because I’m not sure what that would be.

Jensen Impact when? We already got an Aloy crossover, so it’s not like it’d be without precedent.

I’m not afraid anymore... anyhow, I actually loved, whazzit called, ‘Enter The Matrix’, with Niobe and Ghost for PS2. Cutscenes with actors (which worked well) from not-a-movie, and well-wicked action. Then again, I was in my 20's and drinking alot... but wall-running, blazing guns and then disarming and fucking shit

okay, we are working on the “Mars” part. Next step...

Nothing, what’sa pupa with you?

They’re now refugees, fleeing the NOA.

I don’t think this article does the game justice, as it ignores two crucial details:

Too many things haven’t been fixed since release. Some perks still don’t work as intented and act as debuff. And achievements still bugged. Also the game has mandatory missing features since release that never come. Thanks quickplay was released recently but it should have been at release in the first place. And there

first party shooter games”

But also Lappy! He's the best. Need an Astral Chain sequel. 

Switch all the way. Portable always wins out for me, then sales.
