Harman Smith

Like a lot of games from that period it was good, underestimated, and ahead of its time creatively in a lot of ways. So many great games came out in that era, and a lot of them earlier were *way* ahead of their time/graphical capability... Ghost Recon, Full Spectrum Warrior, etc. Those games were gritty and realistic

I was really looking forward to playing it, but I guess that’s off the list now.

“It’s some dock supervisor down at Pier 34...He says the Titanic just arrived.”

They fucked the dog when they passed on another season of Tuca and Bertie

Just bring Glow back you bastards.

I double checked to see if this note wasn’t penned by Fahey. My Miku fandom stems from hims.

But how much does that translate to in terms of McDonalds Szechuan Sauce packets?

Yeah, Fahey’s Snacktakus were awesome, but I’d much rather have Mike healthy and present with us for other stuff. We love you, Fahey!

Nominating this thread as the official request thread for an entry of the Fire Emblem series on the Wii U. Could possibly use the GamePad for navigating troops while seeing awesome stuff on the big screen. Star this or the original post to vote!