Harman Smith

Right? I have no idea why this is the case. I can only assume they REALLY want everyone to have the whole story up to this point by basically forcing a 2 pack. Though I know people who just want to buy the first game on PS5 before deciding if they want to continue onto Morales. I liked Morales just fine but it was way

I’m having flashbacks to IGN.

Nothing runs Doom like a Deere. 

It also really depends on what you are playing. The biggest space hogs on my PS5 are the PS4 games. Actual PS5 software, aside from a few exceptions, tends to take much less space due to being more compressed that the same game on PS4.

I see the Cold Stone Creamery® visited by Kotaku was also out of the promotional cups. That killed the experience for me. 

Right? Like I get that Switch has less horsepower than other consoles on the market but really if you were to port some of the games it has down to PS3/360 the pairing back would be much more significant. For example if you were to port Doom Eternal, Witcher 3 or any number of “impossible” Switch ports back to that gen

I was stuck in the Haunted Mansion ride in Disneyland once and there is a pre-recorded message about ghosts toying with the mechanisms or something to that effect so that checks out. 

The Zero Escape series is an excellent choice. I played Virtues Last Reward with a friend. Its great to have someone along for the ride during the plot reveals and provide a different perspective when it comes to solving the puzzles.

The Zero Escape series is an excellent choice. I played Virtues Last Reward with a friend. Its great to have someone

Technically that is an MFP. I don’t even know that a PS5 has ever made it as far as the shelf in any retail location. 

That alliteration though. 

I said the same thing when Max Payne 2 was announced. The guy has been through enough. That said I ended up loving the sequels too.

I would literally kill a man for a proper 1080 sequel. Heck, even a good remake of Avalanche with online multiplayer.

Get ready to see lots of 89 and 11% sales going forward.

Streets of Rage 4. It is a side-scrolling beat em’ up so the gameplay mechanics and goals are straightforward to anybody. Move right and beat up bad guys. It has a retro feel that just screams “video games” cranking up the volume just rocks the appeal of jamming in an arcade. The easy mode is a breeze and since the

Streets of Rage 4. It is a side-scrolling beat em’ up so the gameplay mechanics and goals are straightforward to

Read this while sending my wife home to Seattle to spend the holidays with her family. What am I supposed to do with this relic now? I think it has about $20 left on it  

Especially now that Square Enix is involved!

I loved that game. I actually still have my Gamecube copy as one of the games I had to hold on to. 

I logged into the my Microsoft museum earlier and was pleased that in recent years one of my most played games on Xbox was Perfect Dark. Not zero but the N64  game included with the Rare Collection. 

Agreed, let’s get 50 million Americans above that 45 hour mark.

You should see my Switch. I added a single terabyte and it is a nightmare.” I love having so much space in my Switch. Manually checking for updates on 200+ games to keep them all at the latest version to satisfy my ocd is the real nightmare. It took literal days to move everything to my Switch OLED.