Harman Smith

I had to help so many family members upgrade or replace ps3 and 4 drives. Trying to explain that they need the firmware from Sony’s website and that it isn’t the first one on the list but the second one for a new drive. Then finding a flash drive narrow enough to fit into the gap on a ps4. Just removing those steps

You can choose which drive is the default location for ps4 and ps5 games separately. They do each appear as separate locations as well when manually managing memory. Not sure what happens to overflow when one drive is full and a game won’t fit. I assume it would move on to the next drive with space. Lastly you can

The matchmaking is 100% what is killing this game. 40 seconds to find 2 other players who started the same mission on the same difficulty at the same time is ludicrous. I haven’t even played since they added the quick play option because I could only take so many more dailies that involved killing synths. There is one

I mean, this IS the game that started as a zombie tower defense game and became battle royale after PUBG took off.

I really liked Binary Domain. Would loved to have seen some kind of follow up. Here’s hoping they go on to do more great projects together in the future. 

“That wizard came from the moon."

Aria of Sorrow had some kind of trading via link cable.  I don’t know if I would really call it “multiplayer” other than I guess it did technically require multiple players or at least games and systems. 

My Genesis came with Streets of Rage 2 so this image is burned into my memory. I always did wonder why Max looked so wrong on the cover though. 

I would love to see Castlevania, Hybrid Heaven, or Mystical Ninja Goemon. Just show me that Konami logo.

Boy are you in for a surprise 

I am told often that I have terrible taste in games. I played all three Army of 2 games, Blood on the Sand and both Kane and Lynch games. I’m glad to know someone else out there enjoyed co-op that meant actually cooperating, hitting ramps as fiddy and stabbing people in the back after a successful heist.

Would that be “In his house at Fortnite dead Peely waits dreaming” ?

The timing with finding out that the DRM in RE8 was seemingly the cause for the performance issues on PC seems suspicious to me. Maybe they are halting work on RE:Verse to address this issue or addressing what could be similar issues with RE:Verse itself? 

It’s going to be weird seeing Superman shoot people with a gun.

Would it be safe to assume this is at the same 1440p resolution on the PS4 Pro? They failed to mention resolution in the announcement. 

I missed Fahey doing Snacktaku but I never wanted this for him. 

Wonder Blue. Because you will be dead before you even feel the sting of his Valiantium blade.

512 is absolutely not enough space. I have a 1TB card in my Switch because I like having all of my games on hand and ready to play. I can’t bring myself to uninstall Red Dead from my PS4 because of the time it took to install from disc and then update. Next gen games are only going to grow in size!

Sony also created this terrible PSP ad.