
@dyowell: His numerous negative experiences with the psychology community probably had something to do with that. Even ignoring that, I'd imagine it's a hell of a lot harder than just "oh, I think I will go to a psychiatrist today and everything will be just peachy."

@Pandorum: This sums up my own views quite nicely. Heartclick'd.

Maybe stick this at the top of the page so it doesn't get buried in normal news?

@parabellum2000: Yeah, with medication being the only solution these days. Unfortunately Zeller doesn't seem like the right candidate for light therapy or something like that.

Now playing

Man. Soon as I finished reading this, Brother by Ed Sharpe came on my ipod. Seems pretty fitting.

@Drackar: They weren't bitching about that, they were (rightfully) bitching about having Tolkien ruined by second-rate fanfictions. Which has apparently already been done.

Anal Arm? Eeeeenteresting.

@Settings: Because film is definitely 'crappy.'

@mexi1010: I mean, a pack a week (or two) is hardly gonna kill me.

@jacobestes: Not really actually, black and white are the most common

@mexi1010: Meh. I'm 16 and I go between Camel Unfiltered, Spirits, and 'Boro 100s. I think kids just smoke Newports because you can't actually taste the tobacco :P

Ew, Newports? Really?

What about atomic number and valence electrons?

Meh. Doesn;t work for me.

And somehow we didn't know about the iTrip, despite nine years of the iPod existing?