
@Monty: 25/mo for unlimited text/web plus 300 minutes is good enough for me. :D

@Monty: Not gonna lie, I'm pretty content with Virgin Mobile.

How do I get one?

@wickcity: Shit man, even look at ipod cases. Apple product accessories are a pretty good cashcow.

Just forty dollars?

@Nixorbo: No, even in Maine with the pines they stick out like a sore thumb.

@lycosman: I think they really just mean Canada. But surely they have it in some news stands over there?

@mouche: Yes, there is a reason they call it the English System.

@quasimog: It is what we like to call competition.

@EBone: Actually there was a study doing a comparison between countries that fluoridated and countries that didn't. There was no difference in dental health.

@jgrnt1: But if they're reworking the OS anyway, can't they just get rid of that code? Or make some bastard child addon to OS3 that just replicates the new features?

@junior ghoul: Because you can get fined for riding on the sidewalk. It's illegal.