Mr. Subtlety

Based on your track record, you’re right. You will absolutely NEVER cease to be amazed at this perceived slight. Right up to your dying day, you will continue to mewl and whinge like a helpless infant bird for the regurgitated masticate of things you like that already exist. And in your pea-brained baby-bird logic,

Don’t bother, pretty sure PimpHand’s a troll. Just look at his comment history.

So are you gonna sue me for wearing white after labor day or something?

The Spider Tank is a really unexpected addition to the franchise.

The gender politics in Mulan are indeed far from perfect, but you’ve chosen to focus on some really strange things to make your argument.

Alternately, vampires.

Counterpoint: It’s a perfectly pleasant film. Yeah, the jokes are pretty dumb and obvious, but it’s got a congenial energy to it, and the cast is game and appealing. And as for it being “75% gay panic jokes,” pardon me while I execute a Liz Lemon-style epic eyeroll for the ages. I mean, I guess not wanting to get

First Reformed wants to have a word with you.

I could understand Teller not wanting to say anything, but Penn? For shame!

I’m really hoping we can make some delicious French cuisine from this dead horse, because these guys...these guys...these guys, by Unicron, can’t they just let this shit go? This obsession with linage in a fairy tale is lame. It’s laaaaaaame.

I’m p sure Rey’s parents are Picard and Riker.

Then what were all those 1-Ups for?

I never saw a full set of his get televised. The closest was like a 10-15 minute set that was part of a 90-minute special that also featured Dave Attell, Dane Cook and Greg Giraldo (the 4 were touring together at the time). 

I think its just gotten more potent, seeing as he was dead when the movie started.

Also, even when ska band not good, me still respect them for getting that many people to show up to rehearsal.

Now playing

Saw Less Than Jake a few years back and they still rock hard.

“Gifted rapper/bad artist” kind of sums it up. Someone above already made a similar comparison, but talking about Eminem with his fans really is like trying to argue with a Guitar Center employee about Joe Satriani.

Eminem is a technically gifted rapper and a bad artist. And now there are Soundcloud rappers who weren’t even born the last time he was making something interesting. When Em first dropped it wasn’t that white guys couldn’t rap, it was that there is nothing the white guys could rap about without making themselves a

Eh, I’m still voting for him over Kid Rock next year.