Mr. Subtlety

Not wanting to hear your own performance is normal. Walking out of a interview which is about your job, which is performing, is a little much. I’m sure he hates it, but come on, there are much better ways to deal with this situation. The idea that it’s somehow Fresh Air’s fault for not remembering that he mentioned

That’s my biggest fear here. The original was a celebration of imagination; it’d be a sad fate to have the prequel just end up as a celebration of nostalgia

This looks like a lot of fun, but I just can’t help but feel like there’s no improving on the Del Toro/Perlman version, and no reason to try when both of them so obviously wanted to continue.

Yeah, I think it might have been a mistake to market this one as his “anti-Trump” film, because really it’s not. It’s about a system which was fundamentally broken long before Trump got here. Hell, I bet it spends more total runtime on the Flint water crisis than it does on Trump, specifically. It’s most important

Shaggy 2 Dope’s independent run is gonna pull just enough of those Em voters to play spoiler. 

Boy, this will-they-won’t-they thing worked fine for Futurama, but it’s just poisonously uncomfortable here because no one on Earth is rooting for Bean to get anywhere near Elfo. It would almost work better as some kind of twisted inverse of Fry/Leela shippers, putting the viewers in the unpleasant position of the

I think I still have to see this, as a vote for Brian Henson to actually get to make a real movie someday. It seems like the poor guy just can’t get anything out of production hell (including this one, which seems to have never left hell and just been made there)

This just in: movie from 20 years ago fails to exactly reflect values of society 20 years in its future!

His wish was to be paid more money, so since that’s no longer and option I think this is probably not as tricky an ethical question as you seem to think it is.

God, I fucking hope not. The most interesting and worthwhile thing TLJ did was throw out the corny and inevitably disappointing mystery of Rey’s lineage. If she still turns out to be related to some famous person, SW has officially become the most expensive and lazy fan-fiction in history.

Although YOGA HOSERS is barely even a movie, let alone a good movie, I am still pumped as hell for MOOSEJAWS. Both RED STATE and TUSK are flawed, but also interesting and unique, and represent a bit of genuine ambition on Smith’s part that I never figured we’d see again. I am much happier with his late-career

Anybody got a bead on a video of a full set? The longest Sean Rouse video I can find on youtube is about 6 minutes.

Can we, like, have a kickstarter to hire a guy to stand next to Elon Musk and slap his phone out of his hand every time he opens twitter?  

Great, now the famously cheerful Star Wars fan community can complain about something THAT WAS NEVER EVEN MADE

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is the movie we need, but not the one we deserve right now.

Remember when “fans” were actually people who liked a thing, instead of people who just obsessively hated something?

Do we really need to talk about Kevin?

I was hoping for something a little more stylish and satirical than just puppets swearing and having sex, but at least the comic timing here seems on point. I’m gonna choose to remain optimistic that there’s a little more wit here than the trailer would indicate.

Finally, the closure we have all longed for so desperately, weeping alone in the wee hours during the many sleepless nights we’ve endured lo these past eight months.