
And KOTFM is by any metric inarguably one of the movies of all time.

There was a sketch show on the CW for about 2 episodes 20+ years ago. The single thing I remember of it, and I do remember, is Britney Spears writing a diary where she lamented her revolutionary poetry reworked by the label into Oops I Did It Again, and ended with a hearty “Death to the Patriarchy.” Clearly Gen Z


“You can tell my stance is sound, because I can only get about 65-70% the way to making complete thoughts about it.”

Your side advocates to place male rapists in female prisons.”

forcing their way into female only spaces.”

“Didn’t read. Everyone offended. Talking hurt feelings. Me cry.”

Is the extended runtime from them trying to tie in all the Sleepy Hollow stuff before the sequel is made?

What I’m getting is someone not only saw, but remembered, Dickensian.

Can I interest you in an erotic pachinko machine?” —Yoshihiro Konami, assumedly.

Pretending to care about Ariel is one thing at least. Pretending to care about Annette? The only thing more pathetic is the knowledge that, in the moments they are going on about Ethics in Video Game Adaptation Art Direction at least, they really, truly DO care.

The definition to any word you could ask a conservative to define is “minorities hurty my feelys.”

Of course the trend now that includes most recent Picard finale is almost enough to make you long for those days, since of course the stone-setting doesn’t have the cast 30 years older and claw back every second of that development, shown or implied.

Sammi Byzanti is taking one full grade off the season as we speak.

“To human misery!”

A proud tradition of animu is the 10 TV movies that took place, I dunno, sometime between episode 40 and 75, and will never be referenced again.

“Alas, my finger must have slipped.” *does double finger-gun thing*

I think by a few years ago we’d all heard that 100 year old quote that definitely exists and hasn’t just been Conservatives Telling Us Conservatism Is a Logical Ideology Instead of Showing Us Instance no. 3800 until, y’know, it just became TOO farcical.

Hibble-dee-bibble-dee, he sure is a hypo-cribbery. Ho-ho, he sure has been show(n). There. Now I’ve said the only thing that needs to be said. Disperse.

my party”