
Imagine that scene where they’re sinking into the sand and Finn, instead of calling out to Rey, calls out to Poe. Same line, sinks before he can say what he wants to say. Then in the cavern, they grab each other, happy that the other is alive, totally ignoring Rey, but still awkwardly don’t say what they want to say.


To be fair, it sounds much better in the original Sindarin.


In Star Wars, there’s pretty much breathable atmosphere everywhere, on every planet we see. The only place anyone ever wears any sort of breathing apparatus is in Empire Strikes Back when the Falcon lands on the ‘cave’ in the asteroid... except THAT should be nothing but hard vacuum, given that there’s nothing between

My main takeaway from this is that humans expect famous humans to not be flawed like every other human.

Look, I’m not defending what Rowling said at all, but @WD21 is right. To some extent you’ve got to learn to separate the art from the artist.

...featuring the series’ traditional Mockingbird looking upwards to the sky...”

Isn’t it a Mockingjay, not a Mockingbird?

Lol Star Wars. 

I have to admit, it doesn’t sound like lots of fun for everyone!

To your local dry cleaners.

better box copy: One banana, two banana, three banana, GORE!

“Told you so.”

James Gunn coming back and kicking everyones ass is going to be delightful to watch.

Dear baby Jeebus, please let Taika Waititi play Hitler in Suicide Squad 2.

It’s like the song says: Bay-bee, can you dig your man?/ He’s a righteous man.

Thanks - I completely forgot that detail!! 

They’re on the dogs milk. Tastes exactly the same off as when it’s fresh.

But I didn’t order a pizza... I got us both a Poe’boy.

Bow chicka wow wow