
This is awesome to read about—I love love love hearing about game production, even when the game in question doesn’t have a strong place in my heart. I’d always found it fascinating how you can see the origins of Mass Effect in KOTOR in many ways. I’d love to see a new Star Wars game in the vein of KOTOR, albeit with

There’s actually a whole section on this in Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel (not the Black Panther castration part). Temperament played a huge role in which animals have historically been selected for domestication. Temperament is the reason why no one’s riding zebras.

This.  We can create an old persons club where we don’t see each other at all because we’re playing single player games alone, as the universe intended.  Glad to be a part of this movement. 

The Jaguar doesn’t know its from the Americas and not Africa?”

I bet Jan Micheal Vincent will be the real killer.

All I want is a next-gen sequel to KoToR.

Another reason why I buy physical media when I can. 

+1 listening to the fans.  

This is almost as good a ‘fuck you’ as Blizzard’s t-shirt response to whiny nerds crying about the lighting in Diablo 3 being too bright.

No one, senior or junior, is ever forced to work hard.

Best news all day. Week. Month. Year. Look, it’s been rough since 2016, okay?

I was really hoping the release date was going to be “next Sunday.”

You've got to know where your towel is. 

Dude, seriously? Thank goodness Twitch showed some fucking decency and took it down, even though your click-bait link is still live.

I agree that magic tends to overwhelm games, but I’m always more appreciative of it when it has consequences. I liked Dragon Age: Origin’s approach to magic: it was feared by many, it actually was extremely dangerous to use, you had to be born to use it, and mages, while powerful, still couldn’t do too much on their

If anything, Dragon Age Origins even more than The Witcher shows that magic is dangerous. Playing as a mage just solidifies that opinion as the most powerful spells cast by you can just as easily wipe your party out. And do not even get me started on the whole Fade and blood magic thing. Gritty

Airing only two episodes of a show and managing to air those out of order is a truly impressive accomplishment in the field of network meddling.

Way too controlled. Improbability Drive is much more efficient/interesting.