If you can't spell a racial slur right what kind of a doctor are you?
If you can't spell a racial slur right what kind of a doctor are you?
and in 2003, filed for a trademark on “Compassionate Colonoscopy.”
How does one surreptitiously pay another person $2.5 million without alerting the IRS?
I’m taking down my poster of [MLB player’s star teammate]. All my illusions have been shattered like so many pieces of [MLB player]’s career.
Mark Davis wishes he was ugly enough to be that rich.
This would mean a superstar is taking his piss test alongside a 29 year old career AAA call-up that maybe gets added to the 30 man roster in September every couple of years.
God...I always fucking hated [MLB player]. Can’t trust that son of a bitch.
I think he just looked into the Ark of the Covenant.
that head is why you don’t get hair plugs
How do you have literally billions of dollars and look like a windburned head of a penis covered in chest hair trimmings?
He looks like the rubber mask that nobody buys until it’s five minutes before the Halloween party you forgot about.
I knew without looking that if a dick was involved, Patrick Redford wrote it.
Urologist going to make dick jokes, aren’t you?
That's a phallus-y
I can’t express how much I love that “The Patriots” we’re the second highest paid team for their tributes.