Before this day ends, I will revisit this perfect, flawless movie. Pacino in a crime film? With John Cazale? You bet! Maybe follow with ...And Justice For All or Cruising...
Before this day ends, I will revisit this perfect, flawless movie. Pacino in a crime film? With John Cazale? You bet! Maybe follow with ...And Justice For All or Cruising...
Made a mix.
If you do not believe in abortion, don’t have one.
I question my own choice, but it was closest (and I cheated, ribs of lamb... well, okay, ribs are still ribs).
When our lives are nearly over, or at least we are staring at retirement (forced or Not Soon Enough, as I am), then sometimes... well, these kids do seem to get their panties bunched about the silliest things, don’t they?
Upgrade your grey matter
Robin Hobb is nothing but joy to read. Granted, I’ve only read two of the trilogies, but her gift to the reading community is vastly underrated.
Hands down, IMHO, one of if not THE best album of the ‘80s.
Q: What’s more important, equality or freedom?
Once again: Stop picking on my kids. FFS
Pitch for a 21st century rom-com: working title, Blood On The Tits...
Title was click-bait for me, as the family likes to give me grief, in particular about a favored candy: Royal Crown Sour Cherry.
Belushi: drowning man rages against life and ran out fucks to give while friends and family beg him to stop.
See and raise...
That show was my childhood.
The only film to be used as an actual character in a Stephen King novel.
At this stage of my existence, for the most part spoilers are nothing. What. Ever. Part of this is because by the time I have a chance (money/time/both) to see a film, spoilers are everywhere. Another part is that at 59, I have seen a lot of films, read a lot of books/comics/graphic novels and seen a lot of TV.…
The artists’ intentions do not always match that of the audience. It is why Bertolt Brecht constantly re-wrote his powerful anti-Capitalistic diatribe Mother Courage & Her Children; he kept making her more Capitalist and more (to his mind) hateful while the audience watched a woman that wanted to survive regardless…
Skipped most of it to miss the spoiler, but...