My favorite is not on any given list.
My favorite is not on any given list.
My copy was loaned out to someone that misunderstood the meaning implied by “loaned” and chose to infer “gifted.”
Personally, I reject the “mid-west” as I live in FEMA zone V, aka the Great Lakes area. Best part about that particular madness: that includes any state that borders on one of the lakes...
Somehow, I ended up with the one my great-grandmother made.
My mother worked at Pontiac Motor world HQ on Widetrack Dr. She died in 1996. I heard her moaning on the day they shuttered Pontiac.
Continuing on with the binge of GoT. Will have to return season 6 as it has one glitchy disc.
Negative: everything the fans are whining about below. (Yes, you are. Not saying I disagree, but ffs grow up already.)
If one must keep them (and I am okay with keeping them), they should be served with black pepper. Okay, to my tastebuds, the infamous “blackened” is best.
Brussels sprouts were my first choice. Roasted Brussels sprouts with a nice balsamic glaze go great with a burger everything.
I think Gwen and I might be related.
Most likely it sounds like the one I have about something called Sloe Gin.
The Whopper.
Most meat based sandwiches are improved by the inclusion of vegetables. Onions, lettuce, and tomato, in particular, are my standard go-to for a burger, but if I had to reduce it to just one, it is the onion. Ketchup only as a condiment.
Gwen had me at the Quarter Pounder.
To prove what we already know, of course: we really don’t need a wall.
You forgot to mention that Sgt. Pontius Pilate turned to his gathered (allegedly) own people and offered up some other guy or him to get executed, and his (allegedly) own people let the other guy go. (“allegedly” because I suspect Fox News wasn’t reporting correctly.)