The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves

Oh, yes. Milkshake bars were incredible.

Oh, my. Where to start?

I think he read this as Holy Writ (when it was first just a letter):

Watching his full-Cage meltdown in ... and justice for all was worth the price of admission and his performance in Cruising is brilliant.

The Six Course (Irish) Meal, as served in my childhood: 6 pack of Guinness and a head of cabbage/potato, depending on the season.

“Creamy” (aka mayo) slaw without pepper is just wrong. Vinegar based slaw is a nice counterpoint to just about anything. Then again, I am Irish (both sides; no hope), so maybe I am genetically predisposed to eat cabbage in just about any form.

Now playing

Culture jamming. Or jamming the culture. Whatever.


My parents loved one another passionately. When they held each other, nothing else in the world existed. When they fought (at least twice a day, sun up, go to work, then till after sundown), it was not uncommon for faces to turn purple, spittle flying from lips and fists pounded on the dining room table hard enough to

Quick reminder: the man that as of this writing is Next In Line if Trump dies or is thrown out, Mike Pence, signed a bill into law while governor of the state of Indiana called Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Now playing

Re-evaluating something I haven’t thought about in a rather long time.

I was thinking the same thing...


Christopher Marlow was the Important Playwright of his era. His contemporary was a hack pumping out crap that the masses enjoyed, one William Shakespeare. Not contradicting your point, but trying to add that only the passing of time shows which artist makes the biggest mark on the cultural landscape.

I always heard “I’ll be Bach.” Which is why I started answering poor attempts (like sounding more like Gilbert Gottfried than Ah-nuhld) with “And I’ll be Mozart!”

It sounds to me like a similar experience, less the sudden drop in service as it is that AND having someone with you and you were the one pointing the way.

Which, if you consider it, sounds like the beginning of a most excellent foundation for an episode of Black Mirror...