And still she persists.
And still she persists.
It is rumored that some kid from Seattle (Jimi somebody or other) was a close personal friend of King Richard, and when Dale was given the dx of rectal cancer back in the 60s’ it was considered a death sentence.
Went back to back on remake/original
The Winchester. Great clientele and a phenomenal jukebox. (Cuppa F bombs, some of us use it as an adjective after all, so maybe NSFW)
Contrary to what Sex Machine thinks, they have an awesome band.
My kind of elitist behavior.
I live in a shithole Indiana town. We used to have Hickory Hiram’s (named after a Stan Laurel character prior to being partnered with Oliver Hardy), long gone now. There was a selection of beers that was rather impressive, and if you could drink one of each, you drank there for free.
It is obvious merely because it is the best choice.
Guinness really is the best St. Patrick’s Day beer
One of my most quoted moments from this fine, fine series. I keep telling my supervisor (who is younger than my youngest) that she should watch the show. Although I’m not a cheatin’ bastard, nor do I drink as heavily (anymore), Jimmy McNulty is, well... me.
One of my most quoted moments from this fine, fine series. I keep telling my supervisor (who is younger than my youngest) that she should watch the show. Although I’m not a cheatin’ bastard, nor do I drink as heavily (anymore), Jimmy McNulty is, well... me.
Available in Indiana.
Really? “Wayne’s World” director?
There was the semi-annual “WE HAVE TO SHAKE EVERYTHING UP!!” stupidity that infects the minds of the idjits at the Home Office. Been there, done that so many damned times that while we were held in a perpetual state of limbo, all I asked when the suits were sent was “Am I employed? Does this affect my pay or…
Had to star you for starting any comment about Taco Bell with the words “Holy crap.”
Visiting my eldest and her family, she popped in Hot Fuzz.
Two slices of bread, toasted.
Bull. Three things needed.
Unarmed people that weren’t involved. And great medals.
I didn’t know about this film when it came out, but there was this article in Wired magazine about how a digital movie camera was developed that caught more pixels than existed on any of the highest-def TV sets that existed. It was called simply Red.