It’s a little something I like to call “being an adult a masochist.”
Late to the party. Don’t care.
Dear friends, please allow me to introduce you to one of the best experiences I have ever had at a winery.
Thank you for the kind comment!
My day is now complete.
You border on blasphemy!
Lose the fat, lose the flavor.
We tell these tales to the youth, and yet they do not learn wisdom from our misspent youth.
At my age, so many foods have gone from “this is good for you” to “THIS CAUSES CANCER!” and back again, I just make rude noises and gestures, eat what I like (with less deep-fried foods on the list, which actually has more to do with the taste of needs-to-have-been-changed-last-week oil used) and to hell with it.
“Do you honestly enjoy camping as much as you say you do?”
Well. Grilled. I know there is a place in the area that cuts the meat an inch thick and deep fries it.
Go to the Dark Side and they have cookies.
A lady with whom I work is a BBW. I noticed that she’d lost an enormous amount of weight, mentioned it to her, and she said: “Yeah, stress does that.” I didn’t press but told her I was sorry to hear it, and she opened the floodgates.