The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves

Also: regardless of how obvious it may appear to be, don’t ask a male how far along he is.

Good to see that LSD and/or magic mushrooms are assisting with the creative process.

Good to see that LSD and/or magic mushrooms are assisting with the creative process.

Nut Juice.

4: Never. It is rude, it is stupid, and it shows that I honestly don’t care if I offend. Kind of like using Fuck in front of Sister Mary Aintnevereventhoughtaboutit.


Wife got the Netflix account (as a “birthday present” for me, but of course it is as much as “for me” as groceries are for any one person), heard a lot about this one show, and once I saw it was David Fincher, Robin Wright and Kevin Spacey (in my defense, I didn’t know anything about what came out until he, ah, came

Finally finished watching the last two seasons of The Wire. I am now convinced it was the best show ever, even if the character with whom I most identified went back to being a boozing, cheating jackass. Felicia Pearson (Snoop) is hands down one of the most terrifying characters I’ve ever seen, iceberg cold even when


My generation annoys me. We virtually created the idea of “marriage-go-round,” a group of overage adolescents that apparently to this day can’t grow up enough to admit where they went so horribly wrong.

I’m with you. 27 Dresses was a hell of a thing, as it were.

Kirkland Canadian whiskey.


Billy Ray Cyrus!

Sure! Nothing else to make one “happy” to be at work... and what the hell is it with enforced “happiness” at work, anyway?

The version I make is pretty much what you describe. Not too hard to figure out how a decent (and probably expensive) cut of meat mutated into hamburger, and tossing in canned tomatoes, as during hard times such things were available.

My children are all millennials.

True story.

You! Out of the gray.

Shoot your boss.