I won’t judge this man (or the unnamed Other Person, or the Offended Spouse)... it is against my religion. I hope he gets his life together and repairs whatever damage he may have caused.
I won’t judge this man (or the unnamed Other Person, or the Offended Spouse)... it is against my religion. I hope he gets his life together and repairs whatever damage he may have caused.
I am 58.
I’d hate for this to happen to POTUS. Well, anybody, really.
Reminded me of the scene (probably one of the deleted scenes) in Far And Away, Cruise sent into the mine to find out if the charge is still lit, massive explosion, he staggers out covered in dust and in that odd brogue he uses “Don’t mean nothin’.”
Saw him a couple of years back, one of the best live shows I have ever heard/seen. Tight where they absolutely had to be and free and loose everywhere else.
Saw him a couple of years back, one of the best live shows I have ever heard/seen. Tight where they absolutely had…
That gelatinous goo that slides out of a can like a cross between The Blob* and dog food? That is what you prefer? Then power to you. Me, I thought it was a jelly to put onto the alleged rolls family members bought and heated up (and always acted exhausted when they brought them, so terribly difficult to turn on the…
Simulord: Odd. Don’t recall seeing at any of the family gatherings... tell me, did anyone mention that they think ketchup is a vegetable only to get into a debate over “ketchup” v “catsup?”
The one thing really, truly needed... they should have all stood in total silence for over a minute. Sixty seconds of total dead air. Then, as a group, begin to bray with hysterical on-the-verge-of-madness laughter.
As my dad always said: Any idiot can be rich.
I had always heard it as “The best parts of you dribbled out of yo’ momma’s asshole.” (Sometimes mouth, but the first was nastier.)
Ah! My youth. Gone, and I wish forgotten but no. No. Still there.
Dear ABoyNamedSue
I would rather leap to my feet shrieking “ANTI-VAXXER DEATH SPREADER!”
Bullshit, he’s just blowing smoke up your ass.
Granted, I said “Also true” but I forgot to add that in the realm of All Things Equal it is also true that a woman can be every bit a completely worthless piece of infectious human waste as any man.
Also true.
Exactly what I was going to say. I (ahem) know a young man who is engaged to a woman that has alienated all of his friends, most of his family and on occasions total strangers. It isn’t that she is All Bad but Bad Enough.