The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves

Made a comment, but I now see that Fin Fang Flareon already said it. Better than I did. So I deleted mine.

“Pranks?” — I thought it was planking. Upright, immobile... that was brilliant.

She isn’t dead. She will be in the shower at the end of the season, with Patrick Duffy.

Total honesty. 1) I am a fan of the show. 2) I am a total misanthropist. (People generally suck, and generally all the time, regardless of gender, color, religious preference or lack of same and political viewpoint.) 3) Rick is what I have to avoid being.

If I had the disposable cash, and a life without needing a job, I would buy that library and refurbish it.

Now playing

And so, the old man approaches the soap box to begin the tirade...

You become a dark skinned character.

If their parents had raised them right...

I will remember these wise, wise words come the next election.

Imagine yourself naked. Not the audience, yourself. Once you get over the initial shock, you will discover you are far, far more confident.

Damned kids. Read a book. It was the pre-Trump president. Morning in America. #depressionmakesmesnarky

Damned kids. Read a book. It was the pre-Trump president. Morning in America. #depressionmakesmesnarky



You have shamed me. I deserved it.

You have shamed me. I deserved it.

Yeah, man: wish you were here...

Yeah, man: wish you were here...



Nebraska in my left hand, The River in my right.

Nebraska in my left hand, The River in my right.

And the goodies. Don’t forget the goodies. Posters, stickers... The Beatles (aka The White Album) had 8x10 glossy head shots of the band... Floyd’s Dark Side had... what? Two posters?

And the goodies. Don’t forget the goodies. Posters, stickers... The Beatles (aka The White Album) had 8x10 glossy

My great-great (keep going, it runs back a ways) put on a blue uniform and shot these clowns (died at the battle of Murfreesboro). My grandfather put on a green uniform and rode in a tank shooting these clowns.