The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves

What makes the series fascinating for me is that is tends to vacillate between Walter becoming Heisburg then seeing the effects of the actions taken, then he tries to go back to Walter and it is no longer possible. Jesse can be a sweet, is misguided, person, but levels of dickishness are jacked through the roof...

Sincerity is the key. Once you learn how to fake that, everything else follows.

.... but it would look great on a T-shirt or button: IED prepare for the boom.

From this trailer, I see: the director that made 300 and the remake of The Dawn Of The Dead deciding to push aside the attempt to overwhelm (Watchmen) or simply run insane (Sucker Punch) but maybe, just maybe reaching to Legend Of The Guardians to tell a tale. I am hoping that with this, with Nolan's guiding hand, is

I am seriously thinking of painting a blue Bat Mask on my face (along with a few former service men and women I know), attend a showing and, as a group, stand up during the trailers and announce ourselves as the Sons Of Batman. Anyone deciding to act like the Joker will be beaten until they surrender... (apologies to

They put a cape on the Green Arrow, and I will personally be on the next thing smoking and kick them in the ass until I dislodge their heads....

Because most Americans are ignorant of their own culture and history (and political system), and their understanding of geography is shocking. (I am an American.) We pretend that what we see in our primary export (movies/propaganda) is real.

Thanks for the comment, but more for the inspiration.

Straight up, one of the best pieces of film criticism I have read in ages. By focusing on the trilogy, and not each piece of a trilogy, you have rather buried the nail (as opposed to merely hitting it on the head).

Blood? I thought someone just said, to hell with the Charmin, it is time to pop it into B for Boogie and head out Right Now.

Agreed Mr. Allspark... although sometimes it may be too late...

Frankly, Wonder Woman next. No. Stop. WONDER WOMAN NEXT. Maybe a sequel or two for her and (if Snyder pulls it off) a couple more Man Of Steel.... then, and only then, Trinity. Trinity could be used to make reference to the other characters, bring them in. .... Then Justice League.

From the director of Unbreakable.... Not 6th Sense... not Avatar But We Had To Change It Because Another Director Thought Dances With Blue Wolves Sounded Stupid.... not The Happening... The director of Unbreakable is one of my favorite directors.

I realize that this site does not seem conducive to those that are possessed of The One True Faith (emphasis added), but there are a number of things in the Bible that make me smirk at the "I am among the chosen to be bussed to paradise when the excrement hits the HVAC unit." Not the least among them is: God hates a

Ah, Toy Story. The first film has one of the finest moments in kiddie flicks, ever: Woody in the hands of the Demon Child leading a rebellion, and speaking in his pull-string voice. Then the head spins, and the voice smoothly glides from pull-string to real, and Woody blinks.

Now playing

Isn't it already like this? (Why I prefer Jung to Freud.)

Branded had me at the first viewing of the trailer a couple of weeks back. Interesting that The Gate is not attached to horror, or given the add-on about being a super-political movie like District 9. Regardless, I will be in line for The Gate as well.

I think it would be great if they landed and were greeted by emissaries from The Vatican and Imams from various sects... the aliens get out, look at the gathered groups and the various icons displayed, scream and flee.... their final words are translated: Oh SHIT! They are EVERYWHERE!!

Love him, hate him, I don't care. All I know is my fetish for stop motion is going to be satisfied. Yes, I am coming out and telling the world: I enjoyed Corpse Bride. In the meantime, I am going back to the Brothers Quay. Mainlining. Hard core. Grind it, snort it and rub it into my belly button.

Add this caveat: there would be an equal number of Democrats demanding that the rights of the NEO must be protected, and there would be a small, fringe contingent heading to the Supreme Court trying to stop anything that might work to save the NEO. There would be bumper stickers with smug content.