The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves

So, anyone besides me want to see a performance of this thing? Preferably with some odd silent near-forgotten film showing...

Makes me wonder: how thick is that crust? What kind of pressure is being exerted from below? Great, now I have to use the internet for something other than porn.....

I always thought he was like the Witch in Oz, melting, melting... rather than sinking.

I am amazed.

Next: 100 TV's, 10 high, 10 across, each set to a satellite link, showing 100 stations that change at random every 10 seconds. Just you and the world.

Then, we are decided. Collectively let down by our expectations of a wall of Mad Ruxpins. Frankly, I would have started with just one, then adding another, and another, etc., until it sounded like the internet.

So, if it is possible that I am actually living on a molecule inside a giant, invisible being, then QED there is a possible tiny little universe inside the molecules of any given part of my body?

"What should we die from then, instead of cancer or heart disease?"

Good catch, DJ. I should have known that... Only St. Jude remains in my head.

Why, yes! I just commented on how tasty they looked!

Odd. I thought they were rather beautiful and inviting.

@ MentalRain: Spoiler alert, he comes back. Twice, I guess, once from the grave and one at the End of the World... so I think it would be considered a series, so you are right.

Miracle Mile deserves much, much more love.

I always found it interesting that Doc Magnus invented the Metal Men, but far in the future we had Magnus Robot Fighter.

AH. You, then: the (apparently) only other human being on the planet that understands the hilarity involved in that line!

The Chicago Code and Detroit 187, but then they both were give the Firefly treatment, so I guess they wouldn't count.

I often refer to this as the Ultimate Geek Site. I mean that in the best, coolest possible way.

Actually... yeah. I can hear him now: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain....

Frankly, The Princess Bride does not belong on this list. Or any other list. Criminally ignored at the box office at the time, it is in our household the default go-to movie when you want to watch something... and don't know what.

I'm in. Great movie, and somewhere in my life I had managed to avoid being aware of Wreckless Eric, and would love to hear (purchase) a track of Will Farrell singing Whole Wide World, backed by a solo electric guitar.