The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves

AH, great call. Tom in Magnolia... will the real Tom Cruise please stand up? No.... no.... NO Sit back down you bastard!!

I know not, only that it was as perfect a novel as I had ever read.

Yes. And we "won..." as the swine also pointed out "The victors write the history books." This does seem to be a case of justifiable or not, homicide is still homicide.

I wept when I finished The Wild Shore, as I would never be able to read it for the first time ever again.... Perfect pairing with yet another one of my favorite shows that wasn't given a chance...

Amen. Although, to be honest, as cranked off as I was that they didn't give them one last season and finish it, watching both seasons all the way through showed what a remarkable gift it was, and I have to be happy with that.

"It is fatal to enter into any conflict without the will to victory." — some miserable swine with a goofy mustache.

Ah, damn: beat me to it... Nice pic, though.

I thought he was saying I kin haz cheezebirger?

Minor point, but one from which I cannot back away: had?

Carbon copy, but with an actor in place instead of a giant merchandizing figurine that moved and talked funny.

Ditto. Frankly, Farrell reminds me more of what PKD's heroes were like in my head... kind of like Arnie in The Running Man... nope. Sorry, think more Christian Bale in The Machinist.

The most obvious answer to global warming would be: genocide. Fewer humans would correct this, so, have at it folks! Kill. Kill. KILL. DEAD BURNT BODIES AND VEINS IN MY TEETH!!!!

Sorry, KiwiMan: Buckaroo Banzai reference, nothing more... :)

Ah, Colossus... nice reference.

A) Language is a meager means of communication.

Hey now, hey now. No need to be mean.

Oh. I thought it was the ultimate geek/nerd site. It is why I come here.

Now playing

It was a Renny Harlin film. Seriously, that should say it all, right? Not my favorite of his, but he was married to Geena Davis at the time and apparently conned her into think that ALL actors want to do their own stunts, so that is supposed to be Ms. Davis herself...

Coffee through the sinuses. My day is complete. Outstanding.

I am here to protect you! Stop running, you cannot escape Guard Duckling!