
Am I the only one that sees cool old Mazdas and then frowns when I see it has a rotary? I know, I know “they aren’t as needy and expensive as everyone says”, but seriously, they have tons of beautiful cars that I would love to own, if it weren’t for the rotary novelty.

When the race can be decided by a couple of minutes difference over two weeks..... 15 seconds is a big deal for the pro teams. If you have the ability to spare no expense, then why not? Also, this way you don’t have to worry about how to position the jack at an angle, in fesh fesh, etc.

I don’t really think the car matters. If you actually do some wrenching on it, clean it, love it, of course you’re an enthusiast. Now, if a Camry (or insert any number of beigemobiles) is your only ride, and you intentionally picked it.... especially new.... I would seriously question your judgement, and might