
Lifehack! Next up how to make your own personal sound proof bubble out of tin foil and saran wrap.

And when did Lifehacker stop offering tips and start telling the reader what to do?

My favorite raw water is Porcelain Spring.

To be honest you should just not make a New Year’s Resolution. Save you’re self the regret, you’re not fooling anyone.

A guy who made a tasteless joke at an inappropriate time, the humanity.

Put a lot of sex scenes, drugs and violence in it. Every episode should also have at least 3 or 4 plot twist as well. What everyone thinks going to happen, just do the complete opposite with a lot of drugs, sex and violence. No one will ever expect it. Thank me later.

Crispy cured meats or some provolone
Let me see that casserole!
Come on casserole!
To the left to the left
To the right to the right
Now dip baby dip!

alright I’m done.

Always room for dubstep.

This is an alright idea. An even better one would to be to freeze everything your guests are supposed to use; drinks, food and toilet paper. They will think you’re super cool.

You’re supposed to smash it on their coffee/kitchen table, counter top...pretty much any open edge or house pet.

Lifehacker has a good guide.

Where do I pick up my tin foil hat to hang out here?

Just let it go, logic and compassion go right out the window in these comment sections. You’re dealing with perfect people who are better than everyone who know every right decision regardless of any backing facts.

Laptops are built to fail, strongly recommend anyone only get a laptop if they absolutely have to or if they have the disposable income.

So a couple ticks found on one feather and we jump to the conclusion all dinosaurs were plagued with them.

It seems more and more like games are just becoming money schemes and less know...actual gameplay.

How’s either one one of these one of the sketchiest things on the internet or are you just fragile or trying to create fear?

Hi Five for the obvious statement on something you’ve fantasized happening.

This has been happening for years. I didn’t know they did it to keep contracts I thought the driver did it so they didn’t look bad. USPS is the worst.

It’s time we stop dividing victims by race and realize the police system as a whole needs a overhaul. There needs to be more credible checks and balances.