
Sometimes we don’t have all the answers.

He nose his stuff.

While in reality leaving the rabbit alone it would of been fine without taking the risk of scaring it back into the fire.

Reminds me of a time a friend tried to “rescue” two dogs walking together down the road. He went to go and try to get them to go into his SUV and he spooked one of them right in front of a truck who


No the one that relies on the individual and not the government to help.

Always have to trust watery information from a soy boy who looks like he just crawled out of a dumpster.

Wing Commander

You literally don’t know what you’re talking about.

don’t get out much?

He’s using glass impact beads.

So it’s a wall mounted printer that spits the paper on the floor.

I never thought of racism as a lifehack.


I believe impotent rage would be more apt in describing people screaming at the sky.

This obviously just him painting but in reverse.

yeah, still not seeing how this was a sucker punch.

Good article.

So edgy.