
Do people not understand that stuff happens when you go outside?

Music is dictated by consumers.

I was thinking the same thing except “pastel crayon”

Nothing. Him not standing for the National Anthem to protest police brutality is like me protesting global warming by sitting down when I pee. He’s just a navel gazer.

Yup, no white person ever has been killed in a car chase by cops and every black person has ended up dead. Instead of broad generalizations about “white people” and “black people” and “police” why don’t you call out actual racists and get them fired instead of labeling whole groups of individuals?

What extra work? instead of putting it in a tortilla you’re putting it in a plastic cup. Why are people talking about this?

What does this have to do with videogames?

Matt Novak unable to write any good articles reaches hard to find some people on twitter to push his narrative.

Great reporting.


I like the idea, put the ring to use.


I agree, I need a “real feel” temperature as well.

This guy should write articles for Politizmodo. He knows what he’s talking about and has common sense.

In all seriousness I’m white, I’ve been turned down for jobs by white men, women, POC. I’ve lost jobs/promotions to less qualified people. Have received poor customer service for no good reason. Have not got’n apartments and treated unfairly by people and cops all the time. I have also fallen victim to crime solely

If you haven’t realized Jezebel is the victimhood olympics. They’re pretty ruthless. It’s not about solutions but about posture and finger pointing.

It’s not nonsense at all. All MSM media is brainwashing people into believing these systemic ghosts exists and that no one is an individual or treated as one.

Says the author who wrote an article about it to get paid of clicks.

So men drivers aren’t protected and white children are not protected either. Seems like the author is pushing more of a racist narrative the facebook’s policy.

It’d be even more woke if it said “ I hope I don’t get killed for making poor personal choices today”