
I’d also like to add that teaching your kid how to eat doesn’t choke proof them.

So the car will give you multiple warnings and keep going full speed? Pulling over after the 2nd warning seems like a more logical option.

I can concur, a shot of your favorite lemon flavored rum pairs quite well with beer.

The phone would work on any carrier that accepts a sim card.

It was such a nice break while Matt Novak didn’t post last week. Gizmodo was Gizmodo and no one complained or missed him.

Novak’s back! Sucks that it takes someone getting shot for him to take a break.

The virtue signalling is strong with Adam, congratulations to him for bringing down uber.

Some millennials did what millennials do and recorded themselves doing a cover of someone else’s music to show “talent” on YouTube.

I would of thought a $$ hole neighbors, but I guess when there’s a narrative you want to push.

You can’t argue stats.

Senators asked the same question over and over expecting a different answer.
Senators did the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.

I wonder what Matt Novak has to say, he writes doom and gloom articles everyday about the government that inspires despair like this.

Speak for yourself.

Or make the title of an article better.

I bet the white guy is an a$$ to eveyone including his own skin color and family.

It can be difficult to explain why portrayals of black men as athletes or entertainers can ruffle feathers—it’s really not about role, but the frequency with which black men are placed in it.

Sorry to burst your bubble but he was reading a script.

That’s your opinion which I welcome. But to me I’m just pointing out hypocracies. Which I will admit isn’t the most constructive criticism.

I agree, I don’t like playing “whatabout” with Obama. But I don’t see how saying Obama did it the same or worse automatically infers that I think Trump is OK. If someone says bee stings suck and I say wasps suck more doesn’t infer that I’m a pro-bee sting racist.

When did I say I was ok with Trump? Or ok with 16 yr olds getting gun downed?