

So you think a grown man with no mental disability and a small physical disability(not full use of his hand) is more vulnerable than children in the special olympics. Got it.

Cutting wasteful entitlement progams is worse than race riots. Got it.

Giving money to Saudi Arabia that will help fight terrorism is worse than

I never said Trump was good or hadn’t done anything wrong. I said that Obama has done worse. I proved it. Let your anger and made up narratives consume you, I digress.

Every major brand has failures. Granted he had help from his father but it still takes some sense to turn less than 20 million into 3.5 billion.

He made fun of disabled Kids on prime time TV, order the assignation of a 16yr old american in Yemen who hadn’t been charged with any crime, doubled the national debt, he deported more than 2.5 million people more than any other president ever, the Iran deal, encouraged racial divide by not denouncing race riots that

You gave Obama 8 years of doing worse and did nothing.

I wonder how he can a bad business man but be worth 3.5 billion dollars.

Shouldn’t the letter be to Twitter?

Except american gun culture isn’t tied to racism.

Why is it such a trend for leftist media to compare fictional TV to real life and draw terror? It’s like their thoughts are not based in reality. It’s like their thoughts are based off TV. It’s like the TV is giving them their thoughts. It’s like the TV is thinking for them.

*puts on aluminum foil hat*

Of course he did, if he didn’t Liberals and the MSM would be on a witch hunt to have him removed from his position.

President Trump and Matt Novak find a common ground.

What’s with all the cussing (not just this article), does it get more clicks?

And they know it was the Russians because the attacks came from “Russian IPs”

I agree with the latter part of your statement about “intellectually challenged fans”. Bryan Menegus should hold himself to the same standard he’s holding Clay Higgins and not be so irresponsible with his words. 

Remember the good’ol days of GAWKER when they would have an article of a criminal doing something crazy then you would scroll down to the comments and see a picture of Bugs Bunny sawing Florida off? The good’ol days.

“Using a Facebook post to publicly call for the genocide of an entire religious group would be unthinkable for most congresspeople”

Are you saying all of Islam is radicalized? 

It’s going to have to start from within the Muslim community.

This seems a little hard to swallow.

It will work the same the Paris Agreement did, it will do nothing while every one goes to sleep feeling better about themselves.