

Text don’t stutter buddy, let’s try to stay focused. I didn’t blame anyone. I inferred to someone who was blaming that there were equal parts responsibility in the outcome of the election...just like any competition.

Do whatever you want. All I inferred in opposition of your view is that Dems had as much responsibility in losing the election as Republicans winning it.

I hear what you’re saying, but it’s time to stop blaming other people/things and take responsibility, come up with solutions or the same thing is going to happen 2020.

So you’re saying Hilary and her voter base had no possible way of winning more electoral votes? They couldn’t of done more? That her campaign that mostly ran on blame, pandering and insults was the best one she could of ran?

I think you mean county, but stop watching MSM and you’ll realize a lot of people didn’t want the Paris Agreement because it solved nothing and drained taxes. That’s why Obama did it without approval through executive order. If people wanted it he would of got approval.

It’s funny how liberals say “it’s their fault they won”, not “its our fault we lost”.

The Paris Accord didn’t do anything to stop climate change either. All it did was the same thing the author of this article did, pat itself on the back.

Way to copy Washington Post article by Dino Grandoni, but the bottom line is the Paris Accord enforced nothing and did nothing but send tax money to other countries.

No, it does not.

Also if these companies cared so much no one is stopping them from having clean energy and doing stuff for the environment, they can do it without the Paris Accord. It’s just PR and virtue signaling.

So besides violence(which you don’t want and would need public support) and complaining there’s nothing we can do until midterms to help the environment or influence government?

Read the whole post.

There’s nothing anyone can do but violence?

Lol, it’s a fun read. 

So many good articles today then here comes Matt to ruin it.

If you’re looking for a good article though here’s a link:

How about.... “hey I don’t do hugs, they make me uncomfortable”

Calm down.

Or maybe Liberals and Rafi should realize they prosecuted an entertainer for something far less offensive and get off their high horse.

Maybe take a lint brush to your couch before having a picture taken to promote your book on how to be an adult.