
The “vatican army” can handle ISIS??? Maybe the rest of world should hire them.

The majority of trump supporters aren’t catholic? where’s your data, let me guess CNN. and since “the majority of trump supporters” are protestant they don’t like the pope and justify trump not having discussions with him?

Trump had no

So all of America should pretend to be Muslim so Muslims don’t have a reason to kill innocent 8 year old girls?

Nope, Matt Novak is the type of person who would punch a female at a women’s rally in the name of feminism.

Pope was probably upset trump wasn’t an orphaned 12 year old boy.

nice try.

There is a real terrorist attack in Manchester and you have nothing to say....Classic Novak!

Ivanka has nothing to do with that Charity anymore, she’s just the one who started it. It’s a charity for women entrepreneurs but sure liken it to the Clinton foundation because it fits your narrative. Bash the charity and hurt its recipients so you can feel better about yourself.

If it was alright when Hillary Clinton accepted their money, it’s alright for trump to as well right? Or are you saying Saudi’s are bad people but we don’t care when Hillary does it.

No, you’re wrong. Man children? You’re being sexist. I’m also amazed that you know more about making a good Pirates of the Caribbean movie then Johnny Depp. So much that you are personally attacking his opinion as being sexist then his genuine opinion without even knowing him. Seriously, you don’t even know Johnny

Yeah, what does Johnny Depp know about making good movies?! He even gave a legitimate reason, how dare he?! What a misogynistic pig! This in no way shape or form could be his unique opinion based on experience, it obviously was based off genitalia!

So making fun of Saudi’s is ok as long as it involves trump? I’m not surprised, and I don’t think anyone else is either.

*slow clap* Bravo Matt, journalism at its best!

Cool story.

How does the rest of Gizmodo feel having a journalistic hack like Matt Novak copy and paste Trump articles on a tech blog everyday?

What he did was completely legal, Presidents are allowed to declassify information. All presidents have done this. WP and one Gizmodo writer just want to scare you into believing that somehow this is the end of the world.

Matt Novak literally just used literally in a title of a published article.

Trump mispeakingabout when he met pence is a non many scoops of ice scream he ate at a dinner is a non issue. Trump and Russia is a non issue. There has been no evidence what so ever about Trump and Russia. If there still is it’s small and with certain people on his campaign party. If there was anything with

What like snopes and politifact which have already been shown to have a liberal bias? I hear you though to a certain extent. The thing is that liberal media is making issues out of non issues and nothing is getting done. Great example, this article. People need to stop acting like this hasn’t been happening for 8

Just saying Obama has pretty much done exact same stuff as Trump and nobody cared about Obama because MSM gave him a pass for whatever reason.