
What personal experience do I need to not believe in killing a life? I dont’ need to own a slave to know that it’s wrong, lol.

 You’re inferring because a person has a penis that means they can’t have an opinion on aborting an unborn baby, that’s not only ignorant but sexist. With your logic all male doctors should

I actually don’t want to make any decisions for or against anyone’s personal choice with pregnancy. I just don’t want taxes being used for or against abortion, because it is a personal choice.

“Pregnancy is an incredibly difficult, expensive process to endure.”

Not really. All I did was make a joke about how it’s not surprising that “studies”can be used to push an agenda. Sorry it triggered ya and you had to jump to a bunch of prejudice views of republicans(not a republican) for a defense, welcome to the internet.

“I don’t buy into the logic that it’s “responsible” to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term when they’re not fully capable of being a good parent.”

 Male humans do it everyday, not the actual carrying of the pregancy but having to come to terms with a pregnancy when they’re not ready and don’t think they’re fully

“you people” classic liberal jumping to all these prejudice conclusions just because I value life. lol.

lol. Cool. Story. Keep. on. being. cool,

Not sure how you came to that conclusion but you seem to be a person who likes narratives.

whoa, lol. Parents didn’t hug you that much did they?

doesn’t matter, but I see where you’re going and its kind of ignorant. Keep going if you like being perceived that way.

“By “mainstream”, you must mean “biased liberal media”, right? And here I thought it was bit of a leap to assume that you’re a “fake news”-yelling Trump supporter because of your your anti-abortion stance. But nope, I was wrong. It’s like there is a handbook they give you people. Oh wait, it’s called Breitbart.

That’s not what you do.


us white heterosexual males? I think you’ve been watching a little too much main stream media.

A study which had “science” not true?! 97% of scientist would not agree!

what to do if abortion pills magically appear in your mail box, unwrap package, put one pill in mouth, spit it in the garbage. Take responsibility and have the baby, raise it or put it up for adoption.

Tips to make a great burger, don’t use any seasoning and put an Ice cube in the middle to water it down. This guy is a scholar.

sidenote: I can understand not using seasoning for angus, or a higher quality steak burger.

I don’t think it’s called time-lapsed when you fade from a picture of a tree without flowers to a picture of a tree with flowers. but I guess the overly emotional sound track makes up for the lack of production effort.

This is so YES. Belle being guillotined would be so “timely”. but only if she’s paid less than Beast. Now that would make a statement.

but my question is what’s our next terror fantasy? I’m thinking a minion holocaust movie would be sooooo “timely” as well.

Until there is actually any real evidence and not just terror fantasies about climate change it has no place on the EPA website.