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Real reason not made up by liberals:

Never Hillary, Hillary is the definition of a corrupt career politician.

Regardless if you liked Trump, getting any republican into the presidency was a good move for the future for your political party.

Also, what trump has been doing Obama had been doing and worse for 8 years.

An independent investigator, you mean just like democrats/Hillary and her emails?

Yeah, breaking off a tyrannical government, giving power back to the people, freeing slaves, giving women right to the vote, ending segregation and stopping NAZI’s from taking over the world......yeah, america was never even close to being a good place.

lol, cool story.

But let me guess Obama lying is cool right?

You notice how all they do is call names and no real discourse? and they do this every time some one has a valid argument. It’s laughable how their debate is on the same level as a tween.

So Trump says that he’s not  sure if he knew Flynn during 2015 an and he met him less than 4 months before the end of 2015 for an hour. Sounds like he might of mis spoke but really wasn’t a BIG FUCKING LIE lol.

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I would go with Barack has met his Match -

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Late night how it used to be, with Barack making fun of the special Olympics and Meryl Streep not caring. The good ol’days amirite?


As opposed to CNN where there are only hero’s and when you have an opposing view Don Lemon pulls the mic.

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This is what I don’t get, if you ever actually watch Fox, something I seldom do, you see people criticize Trump all the time. Here’s a Fox news segment with talking head Charles Krauthammer criticizing Trump about firing Comey.

How many viewers did you survey to come up with your data?

The only thing my mom told me with 100% certainty is that the only person I can blame is myself, not news stations.

I see the propaganda on both sides, just saying left leaning MSM does a lot more feeling based terror inciting than Fox.

That doesn’t even make sense. Never said anyone was out to get me. How did you get the “whole world” from “left leaning MSM”. Didn’t call anyone a “biased liar”. How did you get “one network that pinkie-swears that they’re telling you the truth.” from me inferring that left-leaning MSM does more to rile up their

Fox does not rile people up. Left leaning MSM riles everyone up Liberals, Conservatives and Republicans. Just like this misleading article and it’s terror fantasies.  

They did it for 8 years with Barack Obama.

“Make no mistake that this is the only time for action. As Trump consolidates power in every branch of government, there will be nothing to stop him in the future should he decide to kick millions of Americans off health insurance or bomb the fuck out of some random country because he felt like it.”- You mean just

With the hypotheticals, generalizations and swearing ? Not at all.

She is don’t worry. And she really doesn’t care about your logical responses either. Her and other writers on this site do this to pat themselves with their fan likes. She would humiliate herself trying to engage in actual discourse. A lot easier for her to flame people then it is to have an actual response an