
So car insurance companies should start charging people who don’t get in accidents $400 a month with a $3000 deductible, while those who get in accidents more often pay little to nothing?

*according to SOME republicans

Because portraying “victimization” and telling someone your feelings about said “victimization” is the in thing these days.

Lifehacker publishes articles based on feelings, prejudices and stereotypes now?

Keep backtracking from the point you were trying to make that genitalia validates a persons opinion that taking a life is wrong. Perspective?! Again you tried to infer that having a penis means that that person has no perspective lol. Now you’re jumping to baseless conclusions while having a conversation with yourself

“scientific community world wide”

can you provide data backing this up?

So you don’t like being called out, you can’t back up your ignorance and you want to change the subject. You can keep waiting.

They’ve earned it?

Nah, i think this guy had it almost right. The real key is just to pour water on your burger after you’re done cooking it for maximum “juiciness”

Nope just quoting southpark. lol

I’m going to digress though. I feel like you have some kind of underlying issue and I’m really stressing you out and that is making me feel bad. Have a good day.

It still looks like it has to be in the child’s best interest, but I’ll take your word for it as I have no direct experience. Wouldn’t be the craziest thing I’ve heard that happens in the south that turned out to be true.

I don’t believe in abortions but when it comes to the law I am pro choice. I just don’t believe facilities should be federally funded who practice abortion even if the funds are not directly going to abortion practices. Because even if funds are not directly going to abortions they are indirectly freeing up money for

I’m not your buddy guy.

I don’t think it’s confrontational, I think you get offended easily.

What state/s are you referring to where a dad can stop paying child support just by signing a paper?

Fox news propaganda? I really respect the narrative you’re trying to push.

Even if planned parenthood diverts federal funds to non-abortion services, it still frees up funds for said abortions.

I’m not the one being confrontational. You’re first reply you called me a self-loathing conservative. lol.

You mean where it has to be mutual decision between both parents and granted by a judge and have good cause? Yup i’m familiar not stupid lol.

so planned parenthood doesn’t take federal funds? oh I get it the organisation just has to say that every dollar they receive from the government doesn’t go towards the actual abortion. Federal money is marked with a pink marker and spent on other things. And that in no way shape or form frees up money for abortions.

How do they not go towards abortion? Organisations  takes federal funds and administers abortions. Just because they “say” that money doesn’t go there is bs. What are they doing? Marking every federally funded dollar with a marker and making sure they only use donation money marked with another marker to pay for