
Lol the ignorance is strong with this one! Apple killed off DRM years ago, but sure I guess you can still use it as an excuse to hate Apple..

Nope I think it goes to show how unusable android phones really are, my iPhone can do virtually anything my laptop can do on the go if you have to carry around a separate computing device for online surfing then your phone sucks.

I don't know why people get so strange when it come to SEX, I mean it's one of the more beautiful bodily functions that every one does. I mean look around you mostly everyone here is a result of some fun hot sex, I guess what I'm trying to say is 'if public sex is okay with my fellow primates it's okay by me.

Yes those dirty thieves had the blue prints to the iphone 5 for over a year now, you do know Sammy supplies to Apple. It's so terrible that samsung can't come up with innovative designs they must rip off the competition.

It really sounds like you never actually used a Mac, now by "I was forced to use a MacBook for a couple days at work" did you really mean you played with one at Walmart. " I don't like how there's only one click... but kind of two... but kind of not" you said you where on a Macbook so then you must have used the

The thought process of a pessimist always amuses me, what I got from this was a glimpse of the humanity behind Apple employees it says "hey I like to go out for a cold Tequila after work too, and sometimes shit gets lost, I'm only human." At least that's what I got.

Please google 'android 2007' and you will see what direction android was going before the iPhone. It is clear google took one look at the iPhone and changed the entire roadmap of their device, that is the true power and innovation of Apple. If it was not for the iPhone your androids today would be completely

"flair" really have I died and gone to 80's hell, who uses 'flair' anymore? Trust me I'm a 25 year old gay man 'flair' is dead let us please let it rest in the Dynasty era. Today we simply use Aesthetic it's cleaner and bolder.

At this point anything is better than ATT, currently 90% of my calls get drooped EVERY day and my schizophrenic signal bars drive me crazy always fluctuating between one bar and no service. I hate ATT I was a slave to them because at one point they were the only way you could get the best phone in the world, but now

How can an iPhone 5 come out in 2012 if by then it will be the 6th generation iPhone. 2012 is the year of the iPhone 6 there is no way they will call it the iPhone 5, it would be confusing and nonsensical. If they do end up calling this years model '4s' or '4gs' then they will just skip the '5' name and use iPhone 6

I wish people would stop coping Apple, are they the only company out there that can design a beautiful product? Everything from their Macbook Air to the iPad gets ripped off by the talentless competition. Saying "There is only one way to design" is offensive to the human imagination and is the classic excuse from the

You obviously have never used mac trackpad, the whole thing is one giant button that can be customized to your touch sensitivity, just a slight tap will register as a click two finger tap will register as a right click and a contextual menu will pop out like you would expect from a right click. Furthermore you can

I love how your life is consumed by apple yet you claim to hate them, LOL haters are the most irrational tards in the world if you hate something so much why must you continue to read about them and take time out of your 'life' to comment about them. Like the losers on youtube who hate Lady GaGa but watch all her

There are billions of people on earth why would you assume everyones needs are like yours. Most people use a computer to surf the web, facebook, twitter, music, movies in short consuming is what people love to do. The modern tablet is perfect for all those things, old people who can't get on with the program will die

I'm waiting for glasses free 3D, at the moment it's impractical to buy a 3D tv the glasses cost over 100 bucks and you have to buy at least 4 or 6 more pairs for your friends and family to enjoy, unless you are a hermit who lives on their own and never has company.

maybe apple wants to reach out to them and trade the fakes for real apple goods at no cost to the customer. Apple has the best customer track record I doubt they would go after them in court. They have replaced my iPhone out of warranty a number of times. When the battery indicator on my Air was playing tricks on me

You are fortunate enough never to have children in your home or other humans who enjoy a drink now and then, but the magsafe on my Air and pro have saved the day many a time. I wish usb parts were magnetic as well, when my ps3 controller dies in the middle of a game I get so scared to plug it in, for fear I might take

Sadly you are forgetting about new generations of children who have never seen it, I just recently saw Star Wars for the first time and I fell in love. I began with episode one and by the time episode three was over I had fallen in love, Anakin Skywalker's tragic fall from grace and Queen Padmé Amidala's gorgeous

I'm glad your white flesh has prevented you from seeing the true nature of the American police force. But my brown flesh and homosexual orientation has allowed me to see their true colors. I live in LA if you are latino and bald you will be searched, if you protest and ask what you did to merit this unlawful search a