
That makes no sense. Have you ever heard of supper computers they are so complex it literally takes an army of engineers to fix them. Those are some of the best computing devices known to man and you say they are no good because you cant can't fix them yourself? Look at the car industry people buy cars every day and

Major fail!! Have you ever been to an Apple store? They pretty much use iPads and iPhones as cash registers one click and the cash drawer opens and you can easily Find and print any customers receipt from the last 90 days. Modern cash registers are very complicated with this setup all your company needs to do is

Seriously?? Apple spent years and millions designing the Macbook air the wedge design belongs to them. I remember when the Air first came out Apple was taking all this heat for removing the disk Drive and now every manufacture has their clone of the Macbook Air. Real innovation cones from Apple everyone else just

Okay so what's your point? Is baby fuckin* against their vows because millions of children have been victimized my catholic pigs sorry I meant catholic priest.

after all the terrible shit the catholic church is responsible for you have the nerve to say he is innocent?

You might be over it but it's still a fact, you are dirty and careless. Last time I checked an affair is something bad, not only did he betray your trust but he also infected you with a deadly infection that can one day turn into cancer.

This was all hot gas, you literally have to choke out your phone in a death grip for this to work. No one naturally holds their phone like that when making calls so it was truly not an issue. But thanks to trolls like you I got a free $30 case from Apple thanks buddy troll on :)

Please take a moment and observe the videos on this issue, you literally have to choke out your phone in a death grip for this to work. No one naturally holds their phone like that when making calls so it was truly not an issue.

Have you read the last book? Harry won the elder wand in a duel, and according to ancient wand lore that is how you become the true owner/ master of the wand.

When the first iPad was announced I started an iPad fund, and this year I checked the balance and I knew it was time to buy. I am very pleased with my purchase and my patience, I am planning on keeping it in mint condition and selling it when the 5th gen iPad comes out so I can upgrade.

Not sure if you are clueless or trolling but, when you open the AppStore at the bottom in the 'top charts' section, when selected you get a view of the top paid apps and the top free apps and both show the top 1500 most popular apps in each category. Its not a hidden feature it is one of the 6 main options when

Do you know how time consuming it is to test 15 to 20 phones? On iOS you have the 4s,4,3GS and 3G, just so that your app can get lost in the market place..

That is so embarrassing, all android tablets are running a half bake OS.

Nope sorry, android will always be a fragmented mess. Apple make iOS and they also make iOS products so when a new version of iOS comes out all users will get the update, with android goole provides the OS and you are left at the mercy of manufactures. While Apple provides the latest software to any and all iOS

Android phones are so cheap and generic I guess it doesn't matter if you ruin them, like the old pair of sneakers you wear on a rainy day.

Nope, I've been on iOS since it's conception and I have never had an issue with my phone refusing to boot. That sounds more like an android issue..

Thanks to iCloud, same goes for iOS. The more you know..

It takes 5 minutes to do a full restore on iTunes, that will take care of the voided warranty problem. Son I see no issues here.

Sorry that's only on android phones, their is a reason Apple held off on the first round of 4G chips they have high standards. Android has no standards that is why most of their phones are subpar plastic monstrosities.

It's the first option when you open the settings app, you have to be a complete dope to miss it. All it does is it temporarily disables 3G and WiFi, and when you are done reading and you try to open anything that requires internet access you will be prompted to turn Airplane Mode off it's a very simple solution.