This whole story, in parts both true and false, is based entirely on a crumpet.
Thank you.
This whole story, in parts both true and false, is based entirely on a crumpet.
Thank you.
Next you’re gonna tell us they all come with industry standard ports... what is this world coming to?
It’s blurring areas with highest rates of difference, due to parallax discrepancy between the lenses. The flash would introduce additional stark differences and cause unintended blurring.
Most likely you’re right.
My view of Assange is definitely tarnished to hell, but I still wonder if the Russians arent using Snowden’s safety as leverage to get him to do exactly what they want.
My grandfather used to shoot squirrel, or whatever, in Illinois for family dinner.
Even as much as an ASI could crunch data and print out avenues of future research, we’d still have to work on the actual research end of it, right? Materials science, logistics, etc. Or do we just simply not know what and how something like that would be able to function?
Fantastic Beasts and the GPS collars that will track them when we finally find the damned things, I swear!!
It’s fire retardant cardboard, and helps contain it better.... So when it does go, it’s not going to burn anything until after the box explodes.
Trump likes it. That’s almost enough. Hell, 90% of what I hear about both twitter and trump anymore involves the other.
Not trying to throw shade, but these articles are always more interesting when you explain a bit more for those of us uninterested in immediately watching the video.
Logan hacked the DNC. He’s really good at the cyber.
That is why they measured it versus Nitrogen, which is assumed to be stable over long periods.
Also, a little in wet hair is great to tame it a bit or if you want something light to help it stay put.
Lol. You use Yahoo.
They’re assuming it looks like closer, more modern structures and extrapolating backwards.
Just microwave the sponge. Get it wet, work some soap in there, and put it on for 30 seconds. Rinse. Done.
I get that, but where does that leave Mobileye in 3-5 years?
In my understanding ”pushing the envelope” means “stretching the boundaries”, in this case making things even safer for the consumer.