For a bit of context, under Japanese copyright law, “fair use” doesn’t exist. At all. Parody, change of purpose and such are standard in the EU and the US IP law, none of it applies within Japan.
I watched someone stream this for a couple of hours and they couldn’t last a single day before being fired.
The kid broke the rules and violated security. Play Stupid Games, Get Stupid Rewards.
I literally watch every new episode on Mondays. And rewatch the old episodes all the time. And yeah, I still greatly prefer (most of the time) stuff from season 2-8.
I mean that is if you believe their excuse. If it was “the equivalent of a typo”, they probably could have launched a patch on day 2 and we wouldn’t need any more reporting on it. But if you’ve been following Digital Foundry’s reporting on Unreal Engine 4, you will know that a lot of the PC issues are par for the…
This is really bad luck! They are really unfortunate that among all the half-baked, broken, barely working, deeply flawed and practically unfinished games which are released nowadays their perfectly polished game was met with negative reaction due to a single file error.
“The fans are my priority.”
This, reportedly the PS5 version runs more or less fine, while on Steam the game has a damning Mostly Negative rating due to dismal performance, even on monster hardware. We all know Callisto is getting cracked eventually and pirates will enjoy their Denuvo free experience, so why risk spoiling the game for us paying…
You’re right, comments like yours are hilarious. This level of naivete from you could only be parody.
Seems like Hotz reduced himself to this when he praised Musk’s illegal “hardcore or fired” nonsense and offered to work for three months for no pay.
...which is a problem that only exists because the TEAM of talented engineers that were *already there* got canned.
going to disagree there, most of the criticism seems to stem from a generally lackluster story.
Fuck you you fucking racist creep.
That explanation always sounded super bullshit to me. Parker’s original face looks much closer to Lowenthal’s actual look (minus giving him a wider nose) than the new model they got and neither of Mary-Jane Watson’s designs look close in facial structure to Laura Bailey. If they cared about facial capture, they would…
Literal Con artists is defending a scam, I am shocked.
Woah, I noticed that a couple of our prolific hate-bots (maybe Kremlin, maybe just home-grown regressives) have certainly been busy.
He’s Muslim. Facts are important too.
At this point, I believe Black people being labeled anti-Semitic should be put in quotations since its being misapplied. The Jewish community is demonstrating that they believe they are above reproach and anything other than adoration for their plight during the holocaust is deemed “anti-Semitic”. They don’t care if…
My thoughts: