Mr. V4 Superleggera F8Spider M4 SCG004CS

Depends on the burrito. And you can have lots and lots of burritos before I receive the car. Pros and cons. 

Sorey to offend you Capt buzzkill. I'll alert the internet that you've been offended by my username. 

Ive ordered a 004CS. Makes me so ridiculously excited to see these developments and more from Jim and the team!

A billion times this. 

Major props to Charlie, and excited to see her in Britcar and other series this year! Go Charlie!

Definitely agree - I was just mocking the OP for shit talking car culture on a website built around the auspices of... car culture.

You do know what website you’re on, right?

So do people think that comparing the 46% of Americans who voted for the Republican to Hitler/Third Reich is going to “unify” this country”

Local dealers have been inundated with calls OFFERING $100K over sticker for Hemi Rubicons. It’s insane.

Nevermind... not coming to the US. Buying this fucker in Canada.

Bianco Cervino over red interior. Arrives in April. Cannot wait.

Correct. Though the Roma has a lot of updates the Portofino lacks, even the revamped Portofino. And the 458 isn’t all its cracked up to be - the 488 is MUCH better car in all facets except sound.

So yea... I just ordered one to fill the niche that my Lusso and Rubicon fill. I go off roading maybe once a month. I will definitely take the G off road. I will scratch it. I will ding it. And I will do it while getting a back massage from the seat.

This right here!

Anyone else see a lot of Spyker in this design?

Oh yeah, and when you’re asleep in your bed and they murder you? And then protect the cops who pulled the trigger blindly. That’s the fucking problem.

There is a small section of the population that isn’t poor, they’re just cheap as fuck, and need to get from a to b, and believe a new car will be the most reliable option. My dad dated a woman in this category - she was a history teacher at a local JC. We did not get along.

But... $3M. That’s my biggest issue with this car. That’s a hell of a lot of money for this, and not sure what he’s doing for FMVSS and NHTSA (costs a bloody fortune).

I love my SeaSucker rack - there was no factory roof rack option for my Ferrari Lusso. 

Hm, lease on my Rubicon is up in 6 months... I wonder what I will replace it with...